Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District seeks grants that benefit the quality of our natural resources and the community for projects pertaining to the environment, conservation, and education.
Long Creek Restoration
Long Creek is one of the impaired streams (303d listed) located in Wilkes County, we are doing our part in restoring this stream starting at the headwaters. The headwaters to Long Creek are located next to the Wilkes County Senior Center. We have currently received grants from the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) in the amount of $171,375 and funds from the NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) in the amount of $25,000. We are still awaiting additional funds from the NC Land and Water Trust Fund. With hopes to continue downstream with additional grants until the water quality issue in this stream is resolved.
Double Creek Restoration
Located at the headwaters of our National Water Quality Initiative watershed (Middle and East Prong Roaring River) we have secured $165,909 in funding from the NC Land and Water Trust Fund for the planning, design, and part of construction of the restoration for 6,930 feet of Double Creek. Natural Resource Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS EQIP), funds 75% of the cost of construction for these projects. The restoration of this stream helps reduce the heavy sediment load affecting the water quality downstream and provides a riparian area to reduce nutrient loads related to agricultural practices.
CB Eller Pollinator Garden
The Pollinator Garden was funded by the NC Foundation for Soil & Water through an EPA Environmental Education Grant and was also made possible by many community partners including the Wilkes Community College Horticulture Program, Midtown Market, Andy’s Garden Center, Peanuts Garden Center, and Nature’s Way Landscaping. The Wilkes Community College Horticulture students started the many of the seeds, which the 3rd grade students at CB Eller Elementary School planted! The garden serves as an outdoor learning space for students to learn about pollinators, parts of a plant, and how to plant a seed. Stay tuned for opportunities for grants like this in the future!
Outdoor Classrooms
Funded by the Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council GoOutside Grant, Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District has installed 3 outdoor classrooms with benches at CB Eller Elementary School, Mountain View Elementary School, and North Wilkes High School. These classrooms are used by teachers and students on a regular basis to encourage outdoor learning and environmental education. Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District Environmental Educators are also able to use the classrooms for lessons at each school. For more information on the GoOutside Grant follow this link: Our Grants Administrator Kayla McCoy will be glad to help you apply.