Nutrient Management Planning
Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District has 2 Certified Technical Specialists on staff to offer Nutrient Management Planning free of charge. We work with Poultry, Beef, Dairy, and 3rd Party Applicators. We work with both permitted and non-permitted operations . Contact us today to get started on your Nutrient and/or Waste Management Plan.
Planting season quickly approaches the NC foothills. You may be gearing up to drill a winter cover crop. Or you may be preparing to patch a bare area in the pasture. Most farmers will utilize the window for supplemental nutrient application. In Wilkes County, that frequently translates to animal waste application.
NC has progressively addressed animal waste applications. Their efforts are designed to protect water quality by reducing excess nutrient runoff. They simultaneously consider buildup of soil metals and other elements, therefore protecting soil productivity.
There are several basic rules regarding storage and application.
Dry waste may not be stored uncovered greater than 15 days, and not closer than 100 feet to a well or surface streams.
Waste may not be applied closer than 25 feet of surface streams.
Waste must be applied at agronomic rates, as determined by a Nutrient and/or Waste Management Plan, utilizing appropriate soil and waste samples.
Soil tests must be completed within the 3 years prior to application.
Waste testing must be completed within 60 days prior to application.