The Edwin H. McGee Natural Resource Center
Is located at 928 Fairplains Rd. in North Wilkesboro, NC. It features a 7500 sq. ft. facility, a 5 acre grassland area, several acres of forest land with a forestry station, a stream, a soils pit, and a 1300 ft. nature trail.
The McGee Center is the result of a shared vision of Edwin H. McGee and the Wilkes Soil and Water Conservation District. The seed for such a facility was planted in 1985 by the Wilkes County Forester of 35 years and member of the Wilkes SWCD Board of Supervisors. The district, upon Mr. McGee's passing in 1991, committed to accept the challenge to carry the vision forward.
The vision was to provide a natural resource center as a means to better educate our citizenry through proper utilization, preservation and/or renewal of forest, soil, water, and natural resources.
At the formal dedication of the Edwin H. McGee Natural Resources Conservation Center on June 26, 1992, the district committed to keep the door open and go forward with Mr. McGee's vision to see it become a reality. Today, that vision has become a reality.